The joint staff training activity of our project took place successfully in Rome (Italy), from 25th till 29th of October. The activity was hosted by Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, our project partner from Italy.
The training was addressed to teachers, trainers, psychologists, educators, experts in pedagogist and project managers of the project’s partners. Professionals from Poland, Romania, Italy, Cyprus and Greece worked together for 5 days and discussed on the project outputs and results.
Training’s aim and objectives.
The training activity was aiming in strengthening the participants – trainer, teacher community as a whole and those engaged in the project partnership – by increasing their professionalism and effectiveness in the use of the developed results and applied methodologies.
The objectives of our training were to:
- build the capacity of the project teachers, educators, trainers (the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation, commitment) to work with all the developed project tools for sustainable development;
- prepare and equip them to use the elaborated project outputs for the pilot testing at local/regional/national level;
- prepare them to utilise and adapt project deliverables after the project end in order to act as multipliers of the acquired knowledge in long-term perspective;
- enhance training skills of participants;
- test preliminary version of project results before the launch of the national pilot testing sessions.
Which were the results?
The training activity brought together a range of teachers, trainers, expets etc from different backgrounds and allowed them to build the competencies and skills needed to transfer in a self-sustaining way the training approaches on the base of the PRO-LEARN products in each partner country.
The participants to the training constituted a diverse group of potential multipliers who will transfer this knowledge to others thus ensuring sustainability of the project. The trained trainers identified what was most relevant in their region to conduct effective pilot testing sessions of project outputs in their countries. In addition, the participants will act as multipliers of the project at the international, regional, national and local levels as they will be in position to transfer the knowledge to the communities with a multiplier effect.
Stay with us and learn about our upcoming activities!